Related-Service Provider Applications
Apply today to become a related-service provider!
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Explore Related-Service Provider careers within our schools.
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Related-Service Providers Open Positions
Related-Service Providers (RSP) provide wrap-around services for DC Public School students. These positions include:
Internal Transfers
DCPS Internal Transfer Process – School Psychologists, Social Workers
We are DC Public Schools is committed to keeping ourits best school psychologists and social workers in our schools. We areThe School Mental Health team is here to help navigate the internal transfer process, which is a quick and easy process for current providers. Please consider the following before completing an internal transfer application:
- Through this process, there is no guarantee of confidentiality. All DCPS providers who apply to the internal transfer portal are visible to all school- based hiring teams.
- Speak with your current school leader if you plan to pursue a transfer during this hiring season. We want providers to remain as transparent as possible about your intentions and give your principal as much notice as possible to find your replacement.
- Hiring decisions are made at the discretion of school leaders, and you are not guaranteed another role in DCPS. We encourage you to remain proactive in reaching out to principals about their vacancies early in the hiring season.
- If you would like help from our program managers to find a new school home, connect with program managers
Steps for Completing the Internal Transfer Application
- Visit our job board at: https://dcps.secure.force.com/ and select “School Psychologist” or “Social Worker” from the list of positions.NOTE: Ensure you select the correct school year application.
- Log in or register using your k12.dc.gov email address. You must use this email to complete the application.
- Upload your updated resume and any other relevant documents.
- Complete all pre-application questions.
- We will redirect you to the Transfer Application, which will look just like the regular school psychologist or social worker application. Complete all sections (Contact, Info, Demographics, Licensure, Submit). A check mark will appear next to each section upon completion.
- If you are prompted to complete an essay question, please type in ‘I am a current DCPS provider.’
- Fill out the Acknowledgement page and submit.
- From here, you will bypass the external counselor screening, and we will move you to the Recommended Pool. At this point, you will have access to the list of open vacancies once they are posted, apply to any vacancy of interest, and register for upcoming hiring fairs.
For questions about the transfer process or school psychologist/social worker roles, please reach out to the following:
School Psychology
Dr. Jamila Mitchell
Social Work
Manairya Banks
Start a RSP Application and navigate to the correct
school year for which you would like to apply.
Note you must register or log in before you can start your application.
Health and Safety
This position is a safety-sensitive position. All safety-sensitive positions are subject to mandatory pre-employment drug testing in accordance with the Child and Youth, Safety and Health Omnibus Act of 2004. If you are tentatively selected for this position, you will be required to submit to testing for illegal drug use prior to employment, and your employment shall be contingent upon negative test results. If you are appointed into this position, you shall be subject to mandatory random drug and alcohol testing throughout your employment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the requirements to be considered for a Related-Service Provider (RSP) role?
In order to meet the requirements for a School Social Worker position, you must have at least two years of experience working in schools and be clinically licensed—either holding an LICSW in DC or have a clinical license from another state and apply for endorsement prior to applying.
To be considered for a School Psychologist position, you must have a master’s degree in School, Educational, or Clinical psychology from an accredited institution, including 42 semester hours of graduate-level coursework and 500 clock hours of satisfactory field experience in a Pre-K through 12 school setting under the supervision of a certified school psychologist. Additionally, you will need certification as a School Psychologist by the District of Columbia office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE).
For all School Counselor positions, you must have a master’s degree from an accredited university in school counseling, as well as a valid OSSE-issued certification as a professional school counselor.
What happens after I complete my online application?
Once your online application is completed, it will be reviewed by a Program Manager of the respective position. If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted via email with a proposed date and time. That email will request that you prepare and have available the following items for your interview:
A copy of your LICSW issued by the DC Department of Health; or a copy of a clinical license held in another state, plus proof that you have applied for endorsement (for School Social Worker candidates)
Three professional references (name, phone number, and email address)
A copy of your School Service Provider Certification issued by OSSE.
How do I apply for the Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE) certification?
Applicants must use OSSE’s online Educator Credentialing Information System (ECIS) to apply for a DC School Service Provider educator credential. ECIS allows applicants to upload scanned copies of all required documents and pay required fees using a valid Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card. Explore OSSE’s requirements here.
Applicants will need to pay a $50 application fee and upload copies of their license, Bachelor and Master program transcript, and fingerprint results. It is recommended that you have your fingerprints/background check completed (at no cost to you) at our Central Office.
If you are selected for hire by a DC Public School, your fingerprint/background results must be cleared before you can begin employment. Learn more about the fingerprinting process/requirements here.
What can I expect after my interview with a RSP Program Manager?
After your interview with a RSP Program Manager, your full application package and interview will be considered for approval. If approved, your resume will go into a formal pool that School Principals can select from to fill their vacancies.
DCPS RSP positions are supported by the School Mental Health Team, specifically RSP Program Managers (School Social Work, School Psychology, and School Counselor), and School Principals. Principals have autonomy over their buildings and staff, thus making all final hiring decisions. You may interview with as many Principals as you like, to explore all options for a good fit.
When you and a Principal decide you are a good match, they will formally select you for hire at their school site. At this point, DCPS Staffing will contact you via email regarding next steps required for your employment (i.e. security clearance, drug testing, verification of previous employment, onboarding).
What is the salary range for this position, and how is starting salary determined?
All social worker roles (elementary, middle, high), school psychologist (elementary and middle), and school counselor (elementary and middle) roles are 10-month WTU positions and follow the WTU pay scale. The current starting salary range is $60,067 (Step 1) to $85,523 (Step 10).
All school counselor positions at the high school-level are 11-month WTU positions and follow the WTU pay scale. The current starting salary is $66,074 (Step 1) to $94,076 (Step 10).
All school psychology positions at the high school-level are 12-month CSO Union positions and follow the CSO pay scale. The current starting salary is $76,547 (Step 1) to $105,890 (Step 10).
New employees cannot join DCPS at higher than a Step 10 on the salary scale. You can find the DCPS Pay Scale here.
NOTE: The above salary scales are only meant to be used to give you an idea of potential earnings when joining our district as a social worker, school psychologist or school counselor. All official salary offers will be determined by our Strategic Staffing team and included in your official offer letter once selected for hire. If you believe your salary offer is not correct, connect directly with Staffing to ensure all documentation is being accounted for.
Who can I contact about RSP positions?
For questions regarding all RSP positions and if you would like to learn more, please contact our RSP Recruitment Specialist, @email.
For immediate consideration for a School Social Work position, please email our Social Worker Program Manager, @email.
For immediate consideration for a School Psychologist position, please email our School Psychologist Program Manager, @email.
For immediate consideration for a School Counselor position, please email our School Counselor Program Manager, steve.rockey@k12.dc.gov.