Frequently Asked Questions

DCPS Teacher Applications

When do DCPS Teaching jobs open up?

Positions are typically known in the spring for the upcoming school year. We host three hiring fairs each year to give candidates access to schools.

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Are teaching assistant jobs available?

Yes! We are always looking for educational aides to join us in the district. You can find that application here.

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When can I apply for a DC teaching position?

SY 2024-25 Teacher applications will open on December 12, 2023. If you are interested in a SY 2023-2024 mid-year position, you can click here to apply.

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How much do DCPS teachers get paid?

Teachers at DC Public Schools can start at $63,373. Our average teacher salary is $93,823. You can explore the DCPS salary scale here.

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Can Virginia and Maryland residents apply for teaching jobs?

Yes! We have plenty of educators who reside in Virginia and Maryland, but teach in DC. You can apply for a teaching position with us here.

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Did you already start an application?

If you have already started an application for the current school year (SY 2023-24), click here to return to the Candidate Dashboard to continue your application. For a guided walk-through on how to complete the Teacher application, click here to view our webinar. Please note that all candidates must reapply for the upcoming school year.

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What is LEAP and what are the advantages?

At its core, LEAP (LEarning together to Advance our Practice) is about helping teachers become truly expert at teaching the DCPS Common Core-aligned curriculum – so that every student across the city experiences rich, engaging, and challenging instruction every day. To do this, teachers will engage in a weekly cycle of development in small content-specific professional learning communities (LEAP Teams) at their schools. These teams will be led by content experts (LEAP Leaders) at their schools.

Through LEAP the district is leveraging collaboration through research, emphasizing practice and creating space for it weekly, creating Common-Core aligned adult curriculum, selecting the right LEAP leaders through an extensive selection process, going all in on implementation, and engaging researchers to help learn what’s working and what can be tweaked. You can learn more here.


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I’m a current DCPS teacher looking to transfer schools

If you are a current DCPS teacher looking to transfer schools, you will be able to complete the application with your email beginning in January. For more information on completing the internal transfer process, please follow our guide here. Please note: It is required that you complete a modified version of the Teacher application, but you will not need to complete the short-answer responses or other evaluative components of our application process.

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How do you find DCPS Teaching jobs near me?

When you apply for a teaching position, go through our application screening process, and are placed into our “Recommended Pool” you will have access to our Open Vacancy feature, which will allow you to see teaching vacancies across the district when they become available.

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